Senin, 26 November 2012


Cara Memasang Lagu Otomatis di Blog

Cara Memasang Lagu Otomatis di Blog- Pada postingan kali ini saya akan membahas Cara Memasang Lagu Otomatis di Blog. Dengan adanya lagu/musik di blog kita tentunya akan terasa lebih seru dan asyik. Mungkin banyak orang yang belum tahu bagaimana cara memasang lagu secara otomatis, padahal caranya tidak terlalu sulit. yuk kita simak tutorialnya :

1. Kunjungi
2. Lalu Pilih menu "Create Playlist"

3. Kemudian kamu ketikan lagu yang kamu inginkan (misal :Armada - Hargai Aku) , Kemudian  kalau sudah, disitu ada pilihan lagunya, pilih salah satunya (klik tanda tambah). Ket : disitu tidak hanya 1 lagu, kamu bisa menambahkan beberapa lagu lagi.

4. Kemudian Klik Customize untuk mengatur tampilan kotak musiknya.

5. Bila sudah diatur, Klik Save Playlist. kemudian masukan nama lagunya dikolom "Playlist Tittle". yang bawahnya tidak usah diisi, kamu langsung klik "Save (Get Code)"

6. Kemudian akan muncul halaman baru, disitu kamu harus daftar terlebih dahulu, Caranya sangat mudah, kamu hanya perlu memasukkan email, password dan tanggal lahir.

7. Bila sudah daftar, kamu pilih "Embed Code" dan kamu copy kodenya

8. Login ke Blogger => klik Tata letak => Tambah Gadget 
9. Pastekan kode tadi di HTML/JavaScript => Simpan.

Semoga bermanfaat :)
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Minggu, 18 November 2012


70 Kata Mutiara Cinta

Kata kata mutiara cinta ini berisi 70 (tujuh puluh) kata kata mutiara tentang cinta untuk anda yang sedang mencari "makna" cinta. Tulisan ini adalah pembaharuan (update-an) dari tulisan terdahulu tentang kata kata mutiara cinta yang hanya berisienam puluh enam saja.

Dengan bertambahnya kata kata mutiara cinta ini, semoga saja anda bisa lebih mengenal apa itu cinta dan untuk apa cinta itu sebenarnya. Oia, seperti halnya sebelumnya, kata mutiara cinta ini diawali dari "love quote" berbahasa Inggris yang kemudian saya terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Dengan begitu sobat bisa belajar 3 hal dalam tulisan ini, memahami bahasa Inggris, memahami bahasa Indonesia, dan tentu saja memahami cinta.

Untuk itu mari kita bersama-sama melihat, merasakan dan memahami 70 kata kata mutiara cinta pilihan di bawah ini :

  1. LOVE IS A GAME THAT TWO CAN PLAY AND BOTH WIN – EVA GABOR (Cinta itu sebuah permainan yang dimainkan oleh dua orang dan dimenangkan oleh dua orang tersebut)
  2. LOVE IS THAT CONDITION IN WHICH THE HAPPINESS OF ANOTHER PERSON IS ESSENTIAL TO YOUR OWN - ROBERT A. HEINLEIN (Cinta adalah suatu kondisi di mana kebahagiaan orang lain menjadi penting bagi kebahagiaanmu)
  3. LOVE IS LIKE THE WIND, YOU CAN'T SEE IT BUT YOU CAN FEEL IT - NICHOLAS SPARKS (Cinta itu seperti angin, kau tidak bisa melihatnya tapi kau bisa merasakannya)
  4. THE GREATER THE LOVE, THE GREATER THE TRAGEDY WHEN IT'S OVER - NICHOLAS SPARKS (Semakin besar rasa cinta, semakin besar pula tragedinya ketika cinta itu berakhir)
  5. THERE IS ALWAYS SOME MADNESS IN LOVE. BUT THERE IS ALSO ALWAYS SOME REASON IN MADNESS - FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE (Selalu ada kegilaan dalam cinta. Tapi juga selalu ada alasan dalam kegilaan)
  6. LOVE IS NOT WHAT THE MIND THINKS BUT WHAT THE HEART FEELS – GREG EVANS (Cinta itu bukan apa yang dipikirkan oleh akal; tapi cinta adalah apa yang dirasakan oleh hati)
  7. TO LOVE FOR THE SAKE OF BEING LOVED IS HUMAN, BUT TO LOVE FOR THE SAKE OF LOVING IS ANGELIC – ALPHONSE DE LEMARTINE (Mencintai demi dicintai itu sifat manusia, tapi mencintai demi mencintai itu sifat malaikat)
  8. DO WHAT YOU LOVE AND THE MONEY WILL FOLLOW – MARSHA SINETAR (Kerjakan apa yang kau cintai dan uang akan mengikuti)
  9. LIFE HAS TAUGHT US THAT LOVE DOES NOT CONSIST IN GAZING AT EACH OTHER, BUT LOOKING OUTWARD TOGETHER IN THE SAME DIRECTION – ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPERY(Hidup telah mengajarkan kita bahwa cinta tidak berisi "saling memandang", tapi cinta berisi "bersama-sama melihat satu arah yang sama")
  10. BE GLAD OF LIFE BECAUSE IT GIVES YOU THE CHANCE TO LOVE, TO WORK, TO PLAY AND TO LOOK UP AT THE STARS – HENRY VAN DYKE (Syukurilah hidup, karena hidup memberimu kesempatan untuk mencintai, bekerja, bermain dan memandang bintang-bintang)
  11. LOVE AND EGGS ARE BEST WHEN THEY ARE FRESH - RUSSIAN PROVERB (Cinta dan telur itu sangat baik jika keduanya masih segar)
  12. LOVE MAKES THE TIME PASS. TIME MAKES LOVE PASS – FRENCH PROVERB (Cinta bisa membuat waktu terlewati. Dan Waktu pun bisa membuat cinta terlewati)
  13. A WOMAN WHO PRETENDS TO LAUGH AT LOVE IS LIKE A CHILD WHO SINGS AT NIGHT WHEN HE IS AFRAID – ANONYMOUS (Seorang wanita yang berpura-pura menertawai cinta itu seperti seorang anak kecil yang menangis di malam hari karena ketakutan)
  14. CHILDREN NEED LOVE, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY DON'T DESERVE IT – ANONYMOUS(Anak-anak membutuhkan cinta, khususnya ketika mereka tidak layak mendapatkannya)
  15. HE WHO TRIES TO FORGET A WOMAN, NEVER LOVED HER – ANONYMOUS (Seorang pria yang mencoba melupakan perempuan, berarti ia tak pernah mencinta perempuan tersebut)
  16. IT IS BETTER TO HAVE LOVED AND LOST, THAN TO HAVE HATED AND WON – ANONYMOUS (Lebih baik pernah mencitai dan pernah kalah (dalam cinta), daripada pernah membenci dan menang (akan cinta).
  17. IT'S MUCH EASIER TO TURN A FRIENDSHIP INTO LOVE, THAN LOVE INTO FRIENDSHIP – ANONYMOUS (Lebih mudah mengubah persahabatan menjadi cinta, daripada mengubah cinta menjadi persahabatan)
  18. LONELY IS A MAN WITHOUT LOVE – ANONYMOUS (Kesunyian adalah seorang manusia tanpa cinta)
  19. LOVE CAN CURE HEARTBREAKS, MISFORTUNE, OR TRAGEDY. IT IS THE ETERNAL COMPANION – ANONYMOUS (Cinta dapat mengobati patah hati, kesialan, atau sebuah tragedi. Cinta itu sahabat abadi)
  20. LOVE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT YOU ARE EXPECTING TO GET, IT'S WHAT YOU ARE EXPECTED TO GIVE ? WHICH IS EVERYTHING – ANONYMOUS (Cinta tidak memiliki apapun yang ingin kau dapatkan, tapi cinta memiliki semua yang ingin kau berikan)
  21. NO ONE IN LOVE IS FREE, OR WANTS TO BE – ANONYMOUS (Tidak ada seoarangpun orang yang jatuh cinta merasa bebas, atau ingin bebas)
  22. REMEMBER THAT GREAT LOVE AND GREAT ACHIEVEMENTS INVOLVE GREAT RISK – ANONYMOUS (Ingatlah bahwa cinta dan prestasi yang besar melibatkan resiko yang besar pula)
  23. SOMETIMES A NEW LOVE COMES BETWEEN OLD FRIENDS. SOMETIMES THE BEST LOVE WAS THE ONE THAT WAS ALWAYS THERE – ANONYMOUS (Terkadang cinta yang baru malah datang dari kawan lama. Terkadang kekasih yang baik adalah orang yang selalu ada untuk kita)
  24. THE HEART THAT LOVES IS ALWAYS YOUNG – ANONYMOUS (Hati yang mencinta itu akan selalu awet muda)
  25. TO BE LOVED IS TO LIVE FOREVER IN SOMEONE'S HEART – ANONYMOUS (Dicintai itu bermakna "Hidup abadi di hati seseorang")
  26. WE CAN DO NO GREAT THING, ONLY SMALL THINGS, WITH GREAT LOVE – ANONYMOUS(Kita hanya bisa melakukan hal-hal kecil dengan cinta yang besar)
  27. WE MAY GIVE WITHOUT LOVING, BUT WE CANNOT LOVE WITHOUT GIVING – ANONYMOUS (Kita mungkin memberi tanpa mencintai, tapi kita tidak akan mencintai tanpa memberi)
  28. WHERE WE LOVE IS TRULY HOME; HOME THAT OUR FEET MAY LEAVE, BUT NOT OUR HEARTS – OLIVER WINDELL HOLMES (Tempat yang paling kita cintai adalah rumah; rumah dimana kaki kita bisa saja meninggalkannya, tapi hati kita tak bisa melupakannya)
  29. WITHOUT LOVE INTELLIGENCE IS DANGEROUS; WITHOUT INTELLIGENCE LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH – ANONYMOUS (Tanpa cinta, kecerdasan itu berbahaya; dan tanpa kecerdasan, cinta itu tidak cukup)
  30. THINGS ARE BEAUTIFUL IF YOU LOVE THEM - JEAN ANOUILH (Segala hal itu akan indah jika kita mencintanya)
  31. LOVE SHOULD BE A VEHICLE ALLOWED TO TRAVEL WITHOUT LIMITATIONS - MARVIN J. ASHTON (Cinta seharusnya jadi kendaraan yang membawa kita bepergian tanpa batas)
  32. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO LOVE AND BE WISE - FRANCIS BACON (Sangat tidak mungkin mencintai dan sekaligus menjadi bijak)
  33. TRUE LOVE IS WHEN YOUR HEART AND YOUR MIND ARE SAYING THE SAME THING – LEANNA L. BARTRAM (Cinta sejati adalah ketika hatimu dan pikiranmu mengatakan hal yang sama)
  34. LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF, BUT CHOOSE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD - LOUISE BEAL(Cintailah tetanggamu seperti mencintai dirimu sendiri; tapi pilihlan (baik-baik) tetanggamu itu)
  35. WE NEVER KNOW THE LOVE OF OUR PARENTS FOR US TILL WE HAVE BECOME PARENTS -HENRY WARD BEECHER (Kita tidak akan tahu rasa cinta kedua orangtua kita (terhadap kita), sampai kita menjadi orang tua)
  36. THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO IN THE WORLD ARE TO GET SOMETHING TO EAT, SOMETHING TO DRINK AND SOMEBODY TO LOVE YOU - BRENDAN BEHAN (Hal yang paling penting dilakukan di dunia ini adalah mendapatkan makanan, minuman dan seseorang yang mencintaimu)
  37. LOVE LOOKS THROUGH A TELESCOPE; ENVY, THROUGH A MICROSCOPE - JOSH BILLINGS(Cinta melihat melalui Teleskop, sedang "cemburu", melihat melalui mikroskop)
  38. AFTER OBSERVING THE LOVED AND THE UNLOVED, WE FOUND THE LOVED ONES RARELY TRIED TO MANIPULATE OTHERS - W. W. BROADBENT, MD, PHD (Setelah meneliti orang yang dicintai dan orang yang tidak dicintai, kami menemukan orang yang dicintai jarang sekali mencoba menipu orang lain)
  39. WHERE THERE IS GREAT LOVE, THERE ARE ALWAYS MIRACLES - WILLA SIBERT CATHER(Di mana ada cinta yang besar, pasti selalu ada keajaiban)
  40. BETTER TO LOVE AMISS THAN NOTHING TO HAVE LOVED - GEORGE CRABBE (Lebih baik keliru mencintai daripada tidak pernah sama sekali merasakan cinta)
  42. WHEN YOU SIT WITH A NICE GIRL FOR TWO HOURS, YOU THINK IT’S ONLY A MINUTE. BUT WHEN YOU SIT ON A HOT STOVE FOR A MINUTE, YOU THINK ITS TWO HOURS. THAT’S RELATIVITY – ALBERT EINSTEIN (Ketika kau duduk dengan seorang gadis cantik selama dua jam, kau merasa itu cuma semenit. Tapi ketika kau duduk di atas perapian (kompor), kau merasa itu dua jam. Itulah yang dinamakan hukum relativitas)
  43. LOVE IS COMPOSED OF A SINGLE SOUL INHABITING TWO BODIES – ARISTOTLE (Cinta dibentuk oleh satu jiwa yang dihuni oleh dua raga)
  44. THOUSANDS OF CANDLES CAN BE LIGHTED FROM A SINGLE CANDLE, AND THE LIFE OF THE CANDLE WILL NOT BE SHORTENED. HAPPINESS NEVER DECREASES BY BEING SHARED – BUDDHA (Ribuan lilin bisa dinyalakan dengan satu lilin, dan hidup lilin tidak akan pendek. Kebahagiaan tidak akan berkurang meski setiap saat dibagi-bagi)
  45. HATRED DOES NOT CEASE BY HATRED, BUT ONLY BY LOVE; THIS IS THE ETERNAL RULE – BUDDHA (Kebencian tidak akan berhenti dengan kebencian lagi; hanya dengan cinta; ini adalah aturan yang abadi)
  46. EVER HAS IT BEEN THAT LOVE KNOWS NOT ITS OWN DEPTH UNTIL THE HOUR OF SEPARATION – KAHLIL GIBRAN (Cinta tidak akan pernah diketahui kedalamannya sampai (merasakan) jam-jam perpisahan)
  47. LIFE WITHOUT LOVE IS LIKE A TREE WITHOUT BLOSSOM AND FRUIT – KAHLIL GIBRAN(Hidup tanpa cinta itu ibarat pohon tanpa bunga dan buah)
  48. IF YOU LOVE SOMEBODY, LET THEM GO, FOR IF THEY RETURN, THEY WERE ALWAYS YOURS. AND IF THEY DON’T, THEY NEVER WERE – KAHLIL GIBRAN (Jika kau mencintai seseorang, biarkanlah ia pergi; karena jika ia kembali, ia akan menjadi milikmu. Namun jika dia tidak kembali, ia tidak pernah jadi milikmu)
  49. MY FATHER ALWAYS TOLD ME, "FIND A JOB YOU LOVE AND YOU'LL NEVER HAVE TO WORK A DAY IN YOUR LIFE." - JIM FOX (Ayahku salalu bilang padaku, "Carilah kerja yang kau cintai, dan kau tidak akan pernah (merasa) harus bekerja seharian dalam hidupmu")
  50. LOVE AND COUGH, CANNOT BE HID – GEORGE HERBERT (Cinta dan batuk (sama-sama) tidak bisa disembunyikan)
  51. LOVE IS ABSOLUTE LOYALTY. PEOPLE FADE, LOOKS FADE, BUT LOYALTY NEVER FADES. YOU CAN DEPEND SO MUCH ON CERTAIN PEOPLE – SYLVESTER STALLONE (Cinta itu kesetiaan yang mutlak. Orang-orang memudar, tampang memudar, tapi kesetiaan tidak akan pernah pudar. Kau bisa tergantung pada orang-orang tertentu)
  52. IF YOU WOULD BE LOVED, LOVE AND BE LOVABLE – BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (Jika kau ingin dicintai, cintailah dan jadilah orang yang bisa dicintai)
  53. THE COURSE OF TRUE LOVE NEVER DID RUN SMOOTH – WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (Jalan [menuju] cinta sejati tidak akan pernah mulus)
  54. THERE IS ONE HAPPINESS IN LIFE—TO LOVE AND BE LOVED – GEORGE SAND (Tidak ada satu kebahagiaan dalam hidup, kecuali mencintai dan dicintai)
  55. WHEN YOU’RE IN LOVE YOU CAN’T FALL ASLEEP BECAUSE REALITY IS FINALLY BETTER THAN YOUR DREAMS – DR. SEUS (Ketika kau jatuh cinta, kau tidak akan bisa tertidur karena kenyataan akhirnya lebih (jelas) daripada mimpumu)
  56. YOU COME TO LOVE NOT BY FINDING THE PERFECT PERSON, BUT BY SEEING AN IMPERFECT PERSON PERFECTLY – SAM KEEN Kau mulai mencintai bukan karena menemukan seorang yang sempurna, tapi dengan sempurna melihat orang yang tak sempurna)
  57. THE BEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL THINGS IN THE WORLD CANNOT BE SEEN OR EVEN TOUCHED. THEY MUST BE FELT WITH THE HEART – HELLEN KELLER (Hal-hal terbaik dan terindah di dunia ini tidak bisa dilihat atau disentuh. Semuanya itu harus dirasakan dengan hati)
  58. IN DREAMS AND IN LOVE THERE ARE NO IMPOSSIBILITIES – JANOS ARNAY (Dalam mimpi dan cinta, tidak ada yang namanya ketidakmungkinan)
  59. DO I LOVE YOU BECAUSE YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL, OR ARE YOU BEAUTIFUL BECAUSE I LOVE YOU? – OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN II (Apakah aku mencintaimu karena engkau cantik, atau apakah kau cantik karena aku mencintaimu?)
  60. WHERE THERE IS LOVE THERE IS LIFE – MOHANDAS K. GANDHI (Dimana ada cinta, disitu ada kehidupan)
  61. IN THE ARTHMETIC OF LOVE, ONE PLUS ONE EQUALS EVERYTHING, AND TWO MINUS ONE EQUALS NOTHINGS – MIGNON MCLAUGHLIN (Dalam ilmu Artmetika Cinta, satu tambah satu sama dengan segalanya; dan dua dikurangi satu sama dengan tidak ada)
  62. THE HARDEST THING TO DO IS WATCH THE ONE YOU LOVE, LOVES SOMEONE ELSE – ANONYMOUS (Hal paling berat 'tuk dilakukan adalah melihat orang yang kau cinta mencintai orang lain)
  63. IF YOU LOVE ME, LET ME KNOW. IF NOT, PLEASE LET ME GO – ANONYMOUS (Jika kau mencintaiku, biarkanlah aku tahu. Tapi jika tidak, tolong biarkan aku pergi)
  64. FALLING IN LOVE IS AWFULLY SIMPLE, BUT FALLING OUT OF LOVE IS SIMPLY AWFUL – ANONYMOUS (Jatuh cinta itu sangat sederhana, tapi jatuh karena cinta itu sungguh mengerikan)
  65. LOVE IS AN EMOTION EXPERIENCED BY THE MANY AND ENJOYED BY THE FEW – GEORGE JEAN NATHAN (Cinta adalah emosi yang dialami oleh banyak orang dan dinikmati oleh sedikit orang saja)
  66. LOVE IS AS MUCH AN OBJECT AS AN OBSESSION, EVERYBODY WANTS IT, EVERYBODY SEEKS IT, BUT FEW EVER ACHIEVE IT, THOSE WHO DO WILL CHERISH IT, BE LOST IN IT, AND AMONG ALL, NEVER FORGET IT – CURTIS JUDALET (Cinta itu adalah sebuah obyek seperti obsesi; setiap orang menginginkannya, setiap orang mencarinya, tapi sedikit orang yang mendapatkannya; orang yang pernah melakukannya akan selalu menghargai cinta, tersesat di dalamnya; dan tidak akan melupakannya)
  67. WHEN THE POWER OF LOVE OVERCOMES THE LOVE OF POWER, THEN THERE WILL BE TRUE PEACE - SRI CHIN MOI GOSH (Ketika kekuasaan cinta menguasai cinta kekuasaan, akan ada kedamaian sejati)
  68. IT IS NOT A LACK OF LOVE, BUT A LACK OF FRIENDSHIP THAT MAKES UNHAPPY MARRIAGES - FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE (Bukan karena kurang cinta, tapi kurang persahabatan yang membuat pernikahan tidak bahagia)
  69. LIFE IS LIKE A PHONE CALL WITH A LOVED ONE. WHEN IT IS CUT SHORT, WE REALIZE HOW MUCH OF IT WE HAVE WASTED - KLBSEAGUL (Hidup itu ibarat telepon dari sang kekasih. Ketika terputus tiba-tiba, kita sadar berapa banyak waktu yang telah disia-siakan)
  70. BEING DEEPLY LOVED BY SOMEONE GIVES YOU STRENGHT, WHILE LOVING SOMEONE DEEPLY GIVES YOU COURAGE - LAO TZU (Sangat dicintai oleh seseorang membuatmu memiliki kekuatan; sementara sangat mencintai seseorang membuatmu memiliki keberanian)
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PSY (Gangnam Style) Biography


There are at least two artists who use this name
1. A musician from South Korea
2. A musician from England

1) A romanisation of 싸이 (Hangul, often stylized as PSY), a pseudonym of WrPark Jae-sang (Hangul: 박재상; born December 31, 1977) is a South Korean singer-songwriter, model, rapper, dance musician and record producer. He is popular for his humorous videos and stage performances, and has appeared on numerous television programs, including The Ellen Degeneres Show, Extra, Good Sunday: X-Man, The Golden Fishery, The Today Show and Saturday Night Live.

His “Gangnam Style” music video is the most viewed K-pop video on YouTube, and also the most “liked” video on the site. Published on July 15th 2012, it continues to grow rapidly with the video having over 285 million views, and more than 2.8 million “likes,” as of September 26, 2012. The Gangnam Style Songfactsstates that following the initial success of the song in the US, Justin Bieber’s manager Scooter Braun signed PSY to his Schoolboy Records label. Braun announced: “We’ve come to an agreement to make some history together and be the first Korean artist to break a big record in the United States.”

Park was born in South Korea on December 31, 1977 and later attended Banpo (반포) Elementary School, Banpo Middle School, and Sehwa (세화) High School. Park went on to attend both Boston University and Berklee College of Music. He describes himself as not following the K-pop mold.

Psy debuted in January 2001 with his full-length album titled PSY… From the Psycho World!, for which he later had to pay a fine due to accusations that the album contained “inappropriate content”. He was a rookie hip-hop singer that stirred up the Korean pop music scene with very blunt lyrics, peculiar dance moves and an unconventional appearance. Because of his unique style he was nicknamed the ‘Bizarre Singer’.

He released his second album titled Ssa 2 in the following year. However, the release sparked complaints from various civic groups about the potentially negative influence his album would have on the younger generation. Since then, Psy has been thought of as a controversial artist, and Ssa 2 was banned in 2002 from being sold to those under the age of 19. Later in September, Psy released his third album 3 PSY through releasing his music on the Internet. The album’s title song, “Champion”, saw great success partly due to the hype from the World Cup games held in Seoul.

When his agency began to struggle financially, Psy’s wife encouraged him to join YG.[8] Psy eventually switched entertainment agencies in 2010 to YG Entertainment where CEO Yang Hyun-suk expressed his old time ties with the singer. Psy made his comeback in October 2010 amidst the idol craze. However, he had embraced the fact that he was nowhere close to idol status.

In 2012, he released his 6th album PSY’s Best 6th Part 1 and the title song “Gangnam Style” met huge international success. The choreography for “Gangnam Style” was highlighted in international news and became a viral hit. On August 14, “Gangnam Style” ranked first on YouTube’s ‘Most Viewed Videos’ monthly chart; it has received over 283 million views on YouTube. On August 21, 2012, Gangnam Style officially charted #1 on the iTunes Music Video Charts, overtaking Justin Bieber’s “As Long as You Love Me” and Katy Perry’s “Wide Awake”; this feat is the first for any South Korean artist. On August 2, 2012, Psy was shown on CNN for the first time in the USA. On September 11, he appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and taught the dance to Britney Spears. On September 14, 2012, he appeared on The Today Show on NBC in New York, performing the song live and teaching dance moves to the anchors. The following day, he also made a cameo appearance on Saturday Night Live during a skit featuring “Gangnam Style.”

“When I realized that some top stars like have imagined or tweeted about me, I thought, ‘That’s joking. That’s not gonna happen…’ I never expect things like this, not because they are top stars, but because this is the biggest market in the universe for pop music, right, so everybody’s dreaming about having appearance in the U.S. so I’m still saying, “What going on here? This is beautiful.”

Riding high on the success of “Gangnam Style”, Psy was signed by Scooter Braun to Braun’s Schoolboy Records, a label distributed by Universal Republic.

Psy has also written many hit songs of varying genres for different singers. His most famous composition perhaps is Lee Seung Ki’s debut song “Because You Are My Woman”.

Psy gained many fans with his style of music, while his satirical slant has further driven his popularity. He is especially popular for his sense of humor and his unique concerts in which he imitates female singers such as Park Ji Yoon and Lee Hyori. Starting out with “Bird”, the title song of his first album, Psy showed off his own style, fashion and confidence. He broke down the stereotype among K-pop music lovers that male singers can not enjoy the same success as female artists in Western Markets.

Park served his mandatory military service from 2003 to 2005. On October 14, 2006, Psy married Yoo Hye Yeon (his girlfriend for three and half years). After evidence came to light that suggested Psy didn’t properly serve his full term of service, he was re-drafted to serve a second term in August 2007. After being released the summer of 2009, Psy voiced how he had learned a lot through his experience. He said he also felt the weight of his responsibility to his wife and twin daughters who were born two months before he started his second term.

2) A solo acoustic artist based in the north east of England.

this is the photo of PSY

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Sabtu, 17 November 2012


Profil NOAH (Indonesian Band)

After his exit from prison ariel, former Personnel Peterpan inaugurate their new name is NOAH, the new name has actually been around since 2010. However, on August 2, 2012, the band has announced their new name. Noah himself known name derived from the name of Noah. Regarding the meaning of the word Noah, Uki provide a more in-depth explanation. "Meaning, when I saw the dictionary, the word Noah means people who make comfortable, peaceful, and comforter. Hopefully it can represent us, "added Uki .. Noah Band on goal by: 

Biodata Personil NOAH

 Ariel (vokal)
Nazril Irham or more popular with Ariel or Ariel calls Noah (born in Pangkalan Brandan, Langkat, North Sumatra, 16 September 1981, age 30 years) is an Indonesian singer who is the lead singer of the band Peterpan. Ariel is the youngest of three children of ethnic Malays. Ariel is a popular band vocalist Noah. Ariel is also listed as a student majoring in Architecture Parahyangan University, Bandung.

Uki (gitar)
Mohammad Kautsar Hikmat born in Bandung, West Java, October 5, 1981, age 30 years. At first, with Ariel, Andika and Reza he formed a band called CAP in 1997 that became the forerunner of Peterpan. His favorite musician is a pair of brothers Liam and Noel Garragher from British band Oasis.

Lukman (gitar)Lukman Hakim (born in Cianjur, West Java, December 30, 1976, age 35 years). Peterpan Lukman Hakim met in 2000, when it was looking for a guitarist Peterpan companion, inspiration is Joe Satriani, where he wanted to see was American, London, Australia and Mecca and the most familiar greeting is Lukman.,

Reza (drum) 
Ilsyah Ryan Reza left his hometown for college in Bandung Peterpan then joined in 2001 to replace Ari as the new drummer in the band, the most familiar greeting is Reza.

David (Keyboard). 
David Kurnia Albert born in Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, July 11, 1981, age 31 years. David started to join in Peterpan as an additional player in the end of 2006, and in 2008 David was officially appointed as permanent personnel Peterpan.

NOAH Logo 
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Jumat, 14 September 2012


Love Quotes part 1

Many people love you because they understand you but I understand you because I love you

“I love you” are three words that are not enough to say how I really feel about you

Nothing you do will make me love you more, nothing you do will make me love you less. I didn’t fall in love with what you did but who you are

I love you from the moment I close my eyes to the moment I open them again you make my heart beat in time and you are my breath of fresh air you put the smile on my face and make my life worth living when you hold me in your arms our hearts and souls unite and we become one

i know someone really deserve much better than me. That’s why I feel so grateful that you accept me as I am and love me unconditionally

I never thought of loving someone like u…But when I saw you and as I laid my eyes on you, I can’t help myself but falling in love with you

Sometimes we hate the person we love the most and yet we can’t stop loving them. We might push them away at times and yet we can’t live without them either. Love, life, and reality can really change any person out there.

When I expected the least, you entered into my life.when I expected the most
you left from my life

love is never ends…

Love the Love with Lots of Love to Be in Love
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Minggu, 09 September 2012


Kata Kata Cinta saat Galau 2012

Selalu aku yang kau salahkan...!!!!! Padahal aku sudah memperbaiki diri sesuai yang kau inginkan, berusaha memberikan yang terbaik untukmu, kasih sayang telah kucurahkan semuanya kepadamu.. tetapi apapun yang kulakukan, tak pernah benar dimatamu... Kau anggap aku macam sampah...

Kau hancurkan aku dengan kepalsuan, kau luluh lantahkan hati ini sesukamu... dimanakah letak perasaanmu sehingga pertikaian diantara kita kerap terjadi, lantaran kau memilih dia sebagai penggantiku......!!!!!!!!!!

Sendiri aku dalam gelap didalam ruangan gelap gulita dihati yang luka.

Kebahagiaanku adalah melihat kamu orang yang ku cintai bahagia walau dengan orang lain, meski pun aku tak bisa menahan air mata ini 

Janji yang pernah aku ucapkan untuk menjagamu, tak kan pernah aku ingkari... meskipun aku hanya bisa menjagamu dari jauh... 

Aku sangat mencintaimu... Aku harus melakukan ini, karena aku ngga ingin melihat kebahagiaanmu terhalang oleh ku, semoga kamu bahagia bersamnya... 

Fikiranku lagi kacau, aku ngga enak badan, hatiku sakit... lengkap sudah penderitaanku...

Yang dicintai pergi, yang didambakan hilang...

Ibarat duri menikam hati

Aku memang patut kamu benci untuk selamanya... tapi aku mau tau dimana salahku ma kamu...

Sahabatku...... ku titip dia, jangan pernah kau sakiti dia, hianati dia, dan jangan pernah kau lukai perasaannya... buatlah dia bahagia, cintai dia sepenuh hatimu, aku hanya ingin melihat dia bahagia, meski dia bukan untukku.... Terimakasih temanku... 

Andaikan saja kau mengerti, tentang perasaanku saat ini, hati ini selalu menahan perih, dari serpihan hatimu yang selalu mengacuhkan aku tanpa satu alasan pun...

Aku kangen banget ma kamu... walaupun kamu udah jadi milik orang lain...

Ibarat memeluk bulan... Tak akan pernah bisa dan tak mungkin bisa aku memilikimu.. 

Aku minta kepada, jangan keluar malam ini, karna aku tak akan pernah menemuimu........!!!!! 

Impianku bersamamu, tapi mengapa harus kamu hancurkan....???

Pelukan sayanang darimu tak akan pernah kurasakan karena kau telah memilih yang lain...

Lindungi dia Tuhan, ketika penjagaanku tak bisa lagi sampai kepadanya.....

Kuatkan aku tuhan, aku hanya ingin melihatnya berBAHAGIA meski tanpa aku yang sangat menyayanginya... 

Kamu ngga pernah tau... Aku kesepian, aku hancur... kamu ngga pernah ada ketika aku butuh kamu!!! Kamu selalu bilang kalau aku nggak pernah mengerti kamu... tapi sebenarnya kamulah orang yangg paling nggak ngerti aku..!!!!!!!!!!!!

Perjanjian apa yang pernah kalian ucapkan berdua, hingga aku orang yg nggak pernah tau perjanjian kalian menjdi korban.......!!!!

Jika dengan menyakitiku bisa membuatmu bahagia maka lakukanlah......!!!! 

Mencoba bersabar, walau hti ini terluka... tapi kenapa aky selalu dibanding-badingkan??? Biarlah aku pergi menyusuri jalan berliku, walau sakit kurasakan tanpa cinta lagi...

Tetes air mata jatuh demi seseorng yang tidak pernah menjadi kepunyaanmu.. Kenapa kamu mencintai seseorang yg cintanya tak pernah untukmu??? Aku orang yang sangat mencintaimu, bahkan tak pernah kau pedulikan...

Disaat kamu pergi dengan yg lain.... aku akan menjauh dan jangan pernah berfkir aku akan membencimu.... Karna sesungguhnya aku tau kebahagiaanmu bukan padaku... dan biarlah rasa ini tetap untukku...... Dan bila suatu saat kamu diasingkan atau dijauhi, carilah aku, karna cintaku padamu tak akan pernah hilang dan aku akan slalu ada bagimu...
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Jumat, 07 September 2012


Ungkapan bijak tentang cinta dan perasaan

Loved and cherished you are the most beautiful gift that God gave me.

Love you take a few seconds, but forget it took me a lifetime.

Maybe God deliberately gives us meet the wrong people before meeting the right man so that when we finally meet the right man, we will know how to be grateful for the gifts and the wisdom behind the gift.

I want to win your love back into reality. When I am in torment of love, you walked away without ever thinking of me.

Love is not teaching us weak, but of power. Love teaches us not humiliate ourselves, but breathes valor. Love is not discouraging, but uplifting.

When morning came,
I would challenge the sun that woke her from a sound sleep ..
Since I was the only light that will be able to warm his cold heart.

When one door of happiness is closed, another opens but we will always look at the doors that have been closed so long that it seems we do not have any other doors that open to us.

Why run in the dark? Moderate fog did not want to part. Let them go, I do not even want to dream. Despite the miss is created for you.

Memories of first love is, Love is the lesson second, and love is a necessity so as to live without love is like food without salt. Be on guard love it as well as possible given that he continues to bloom and the fragrance of the season.

I do not know how long my age, but I'm sure my love for you forever.

Although today you carve a wound in my heart. I will still love you like I loved you yesterday.

Love is not really blind. Love is something that is pure, noble and necessary. Love is blind is when you master it without any consideration.

At first, I did not care. When you go, I'm always waiting for you. Is this called love?

The best friend is someone we should sit together in the crib and berbuai together without saying anything and then walked home with the feeling that this is the greatest perbualan we ever rasai.

You came at a time when selfishness would love to whack the middle. Bring light and peace, made no quitter to embrace love story with you.

I do not care when meeting
When you go I'm always waiting
Is this the name of love
Are there any you feel the same

In this world there are only 5 people I love, my mother, my father, biological brother, my friends and the last one is you. why do I placed the order last? because I want you to be the last My love and no love other than my last love in you

It is true that we will not know what we have available until well we lost her and it is also true that we will not know what we missed until well into the "It" is present.

If God still gave me a chance to live longer,
I just want to go through it with you dear.

For what to speak of love
If your heart is not open
For what to speak of love
If your eyes do not glow
For what to speak of love
If it will make you hurt
For me, the love's you

In my heart I'm waiting, I put my heart as a sign of sincere love.

He just took the time to fall in love with one Minit on someone, an hour to like someone, a day to love someone but it takes time lifetime to forget someone.

Suffering was dark shadows for you, as a reason for mencampakanku loyalty! I will not run away from love is always memasungku.

You're planting roses bloom
in my heart
So fragrant
Epitomized everything dear
and love
Just for you a

Do not look at the beauty, because It will rot swallowed age, do not chase the luxury because It will shrink swallowed period. What is beauty eternal heart.

You never realize the magnitude
Until arriving farewell
I'm shocked, I'm afraid
Forgive my ignorance
I need you

Love begins with a smile degan, blossom end degan degan kiss and cry.

Love a person on the basis of who he is now and not who he is before. The story of the past do not need to be raised again, would you really love him wholeheartedly.
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Sabtu, 01 September 2012


Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel


Actor, producer, writer, and director Vin Diesel was born Mark Vincent in New York City on July 18, 1967. His father taught theatre, while his mother was a psychologist and astrologist. Mark was raised by his mother and adoptive father in an artist's housing project in New York's Greenwich Village, without ever knowing his biological father. He has a fraternal twin brother, Paul Vincent, who is a film editor and also two sisters. 

Mark's first break in acting happened by chance, when at the age of seven he and his friends broke into a theater named "Theatre for the New City," which was produced in Greenwich Village, to vandalize it. To their surprise, a woman stopped and offered them each a script and $20, on the condition that they would attend everyday after school. From there, Mark's career progressed from the New York repertory company run by his father, to the Off-Off-Broadway circuit. 

By the time Mark was 17 years old, he felt the need of more income and with his already well-honed physique, he became a bouncer at some New York's hippest clubs, like "Tunnel" that has since closed and "Mars," a job he would do for the next nine years. It was at this time that Mark changed his name to Vin Diesel.

Completed his high school, Vin enrolled as an English major at Hunter College, but dropped out after three years because he thought it was time for him to further his acting career. And so he went to Hollywood, thinking an experienced and art-driven theater actor like him would be valued. Such thought turned out to be false as he didn't make any impression there and after a year of struggling to make his mark, he returned to New York. It was Vin's mother who gave her desperate son a book by Rick Schmidt called "Feature Films at Used Car Prices." The advice within the book later on led Vin to take control of his career and make his own movies. 

"Multi Facial" (1994) was the short film Vin wrote based on his own experiences as an actor, which was shot in less than three days at a cost of $3,000. Not only did he write and star in the film, but also directed and produced it, so he deserved to be proud as the project was eventually accepted for the 1995 Cannes Film Festival where it got a tumultuous reception. 

Afterwards, Vin returned to Los Angeles and raised nearly $50,000 through telemarketing to fund the making of his first feature "Strays" (1997), an urban drama in which he cast himself as a gang boss whose love for a woman inspires him to try to change his ways. Written, directed, and produced by Vin, six months after shooting, the film was accepted for the 1997 Sundance Film Festival and received a good reception, though it didn't sell as well as hoped. Yet again a disappointed Vin found himself back in New York only to receive a dream call from his newly acquired agent. 

Lucky for Vin when moviemaker Steven Spielberg said he was impressed by "Multi Facial" and thus invited Vin to meet him on the set of "Amistad." As both males became clicked, Vin then got in hand a role especially written for him in Spielberg's next blockbuster "Saving Private Ryan" (1998). Following the success of the movie, "Multi Facial" went on to earn Vin more works, including the title character of the animated "The Iron Giant" (1999) directed by Brad Bird. Next, Vin also won the lead role of Richard B Riddick in the character-driven sci-fi film "Pitch Black" (2000), an interplanetary thriller that features him and fellow Earthlings doing battle with a host of nasty alien mutants. 

Despite the movie small budget and low-key marketing, Vin performance indeed earned him numerous of devoted fans and the recognition he deserves. Since then his career began a meteoric rise with his receiving a more challenging roles, as the one he got in a 2001 action film "The Fast and The Furious" that portrays him as the leader of a street racing gang that is under suspicion of hijacking trucks for their cargo of expensive electronic equipment. From this point Vin kept getting any other roles in many other qualified movies, like in “Boiler Room” (2000), “Knockaround Guys” (2001), and “A Man Apart” (2003). 

Above all, Vin was also well known for his action in a 2002 action movie entitled "XXX" pronounced "Triple X" in which he stars as Xander Cage, an extreme sports star who is recruited by a National Security Agency agent to infiltrate a group of European criminals named Anarchy 99. 

As for the nominations this tough actor have ever gotten are; listed as a potential nominee on both the 2003 and 2004 Razzie Award nominating ballots, named as a suggestion for the Worst Actor category on the 2003 ballot for his performances in the films “Knockaround Guys” (2001) and “XXX” (2002), and was listed as a suggestion again on the nominating ballot in the Worst Actor category the next year for his role in "A Man Apart" (2003). Fortunately, Vin didn't receive either nominations, instead he could favorably win #46 in Premiere's 2003 annual Power 100 List after he previously ranked #95 in 2002. 

The year of 2005 maybe Vin most difficult time as he has to gain 30 pounds more despite the routine exercise he has to stop during the "gain weight process" for the next role he plays in the upcoming drama "Find Me Guilty" where he portrays as a gangster and for which he has to develop "a gut." The burden could indeed lessen with Vin's new comedy hit "The Pacifier" success in grabbing the top spot at the box office this weekend, grossing $30.6 million well ahead of John Travolta's much-hyped "Get Shorty" sequel "Be Cool" which earned $23.5 million.
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Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012


Simple Plan Biography

Simple Plan is a Canadian pop punk band consisting of Pierre Bouvier (born May 9, 1979) on vocal, Charles 'Chuck' Comeau (born September 17, 1979) on drums, David Desrosiers (born August 29, 1980) on bass and backing vocals, Sebastien Lefebvre (born June 5, 1981) on guitar and backing vocals, and Jean-Francois Stinco (born August 22, 1978) on lead guitar. 

The band first formed as Reset in the late 90s by high-school friends Bouvier and Chuck at the age of thirteen. Reset released their first record called "No Worries" and toured with some bands like Blink 182, MxPx, Face to Face, and Ten Foot Pole. Chuck, whose first job was a writer in a music magazine, was the first to leave the band after being uncomfortable with the music they played. Two years later, Chuck reunited with Lefebvre and Stinco and decided to start making music again. They unexpectedly met Bouvier, who was a cook in a barbecue chicken restaurant, at Sugar Ray's concert in late 1999, who later rejoined the band. They then asked another Reset's personnel, Desrosiers, to join the new band, Simple Plan. 

In 2002, Simple Plan headed into the studio to make a record. Their debut album, ..."No Pads, No Helmett...Just Balls" was released in 2002. "Perfect" soon became its biggest single and was nominated in MTV 2003 Video Music Awards as Best New Artist and in 2004 as Viewer's Choice. Simple Plan once performed in 2003 TV's Hard Rock Live. Their hard days work finally paid-up for in 2003 when the band finally won a MuchMusic Video Award for People's Choice Favorite Canadian Group. 

Simple Plan tried their luck to sing movie soundtrack "Happy Together" (2003) which is used for the OST of "Freaky Friday." The band later appeared on both the "Scooby-Doo" and the "Scooby-Doo 2: Monster Unleashed" soundtracks for they love the animated dog very much. But Simple Plan big screen debut was in the movie "New York Minute" stars the Olsen twins. 

Apparently, Simple Plan is not good in music only, but in clothing business also. Simple Plan's Chuck, Bouvier, and their friend Patrick Langlois formed a clothing line called "Role Model Clothing". Meanwhile, Langlois and Lefebrve have their own clothing label called "Man of the Hour". Bouvier, who is addicted to "Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough" ice cream and the "Victoria's Secret" catalogue, is now taking another side job by hosting MTV's reality series "Damage Control." 

In 2004, their second album "Still Not Getting Any..." was released. The band shows their sense of humor by having a few funny photos of their older look in Simple Plan new CD booklet. One of the album's singles namely "Welcome to My Life" soon became their another successful hit. 
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Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012


Avenged Sevenfold Biography

Avenged Sevenfold
 is an American rock band from Huntington Beach, California, formed in 1999. The band has achieved mainstream success with their 2005 album City of Evil, which included singles such as "Burn It Down", "Bat Country," "Beast and the Harlot" and "Seize the Day." The band's success followed with their self-titled album, with singles such as "Critical Acclaim", "Almost Easy", "Afterlife", "Scream" and "Dear God".

Band history

Inception (1999-2004)
The band was formed in 1999 in Huntington Beach, California with original members M Shadows, Zacky Vengeance, The Rev and Matt Wendt. M Shadows came up with the name as a reference to the story of Cain and Abel from The Bible, although it is not a religious band. Upon its formation, each member of the band also took on a pseudonym which were already nicknames of theirs from high school. Before release their debut album, the band recorded two demos in 1999 and 2000. Avenged Sevenfold's debut album,Sounding the Seventh Trumpet, was recorded when the band members were just eighteen years old and in high school. It was originally released on their first label, Good Life Recordings in 2001. After lead guitarist Synyster Gates joined the band,at the end of 1999 when he was 18 at the introductory track "To End the Rapture" was re-recorded featuring a full band element. The album was subsequently re-released on Hopeless Records in 2002.

The band started to receive recognition, performing with bands such as Mushroomhead and Shadows Fall and playing on the Take Action Tour. Having settled on their fourth bassist, Johnny Christ, they releasedWaking the Fallen on Hopeless Records in August 2003. The band received profiles in Billboard and The Boston Globe, and played in the Vans Warped Tour. In 2004, Avenged Sevenfold toured again on the Vans Warped Tour and recorded a video for their song "Unholy Confessions" which went into rotation on MTV2's Headbanger's Ball. Shortly after the release of Waking the Fallen, Avenged Sevenfold left Hopeless Records and were signed to Warner Bros. Records.

City of Evil (2005?2007)
City of Evil, the band's third album and major label debut, was released on June 7, 2005 and debuted at #30 on the Billboard 200 chart, selling over 30,000 copies in its first week of release. It utilized a more epic, classic metal sound than Avenged Sevenfold's previous albums, which had been grouped into the metalcore genre. The album is also notable for the absence of screaming vocals; M. Shadows worked with vocal coach Ron Anderson?whose clients have included Axl Rose and Chris Cornell?for months before the album's release to achieve a sound that had "grit while still having the tone".

They returned to the Vans Warped Tour, this time headlining and then continued on their own "Cities of Evil Tour." In addition, their lead single "Bat Country" reached #2 on Billboard's Mainstream Rock Charts, #6 on Billboard's Modern Rock Charts and the accompanying video made it to #1 on MTV's Total Request Live. Propelled by this success, the album sold well and became Avenged Sevenfold's first gold record. They would go onto win "Best New Artist" at MTV's Video Music Awards, beating out artists like Rihanna, Panic at the Disco and Chris Brown.

Self-titled album (2007-2008)
Avenged Sevenfold's mainstream success got them an invitation to 2006's Ozzfest tour on the main stage, alongside other well known hard rock and heavy metal acts DragonForce, Lacuna Coil, Hatebreed, Disturbed and System of a Down. That same year they also completed a worldwide tour, including the US, The United Kingdom (as well as mainland Europe), Japan, Australia and New Zealand. After being on tour for sixteen months in promotion of City of Evil, the band announced that they were cancelling their Fall 2006 tour in favor of recording new music. M. Shadows stated that their fourth studio album?which the band self-titled and self-produced?would not be a "City of Evil Part 2" or "Waking the Fallen Part 2," but would incorporate a new, grittier sound. To tide the fans over in between albums, the band released their first DVD titled All Excess on July 17, 2007. All Excess, which debuted as the #1 DVD in the USA, included live performances and backstage footage that spanned the band's eight year career. Two tribute albums, Strung Out on Avenged Sevenfold: Bat Wings and Broken Strings and Strung Out on Avenged Sevenfold: The String Tribute were also released in October 2007.

Avenged Sevenfold, the band's fourth album, was released on October 30, 2007, debuting at #4 on the Billboard 200 with over 90,000 copies sold. Two singles, "Critical Acclaim" and "Almost Easy" were released prior to the album's debut. In December 2007, an animated video was made for "A Little Piece of Heaven." Due to the song's controversial subject matter, however, Warner Brothers only released it to registered MVI users over the internet. The third single, "Afterlife" and its video was released in January 2008. Their fourth single, "Dear God", was released on September 30, 2008. The self-titled album went onto sell over 500,000 copies and was awarded "Album of the Year" at the Kerrang! Awards.

Live in the LBC & Diamonds in the Rough (2008?2009)
Avenged Sevenfold headlined the 2008 Taste of Chaos tour with Atreyu, Bullet for My Valentine, Blessthefall and Idiot Pilot. They used the footage from their last show in Long Beach for Live in the LBC & Diamonds in the Rough, a two-disc B-sides CD and live DVD which was released on September 16, 2008. They also recorded numerous covers, including Pantera's "Walk," Iron Maiden's "Flash of the Blade" and Black Sabbath's "Paranoid" (the first two of which were included on "Live in the LBC & Diamonds in the Rough"). They will also be releasing a Guitar Tutorial DVD, which include the five tracks, Afterlife, Almost Easy, Bat Country, Beast and the Harlot and Trashed And Scattered, breaking down the guitar solos and riffs in each song.

During a sold-out festival performance in Leeds and Reading, the band were forced to shorten their Leeds performance and cancel their Reading performance due to a vocal strain sustained by M. Shadows. A few days later, the band was forced to announce the cancellation of the remaining September shows, with the tour set to resume again on October 15.

New album (2009 onward)
This section may need to be updated. Please update this section to reflect recent events or newly available information, and remove this template when finished. Please see the talk page for more information. (August 2009)
In January 2009, M. Shadows confirmed that the band is writing the follow-up to their self-titled fourth album within the upcoming months. They also announced that they will be playing at Rock on the Range, from May 16-17, 2009. In April 16, they performed a version of Guns N' Roses' "It's So Easy" onstage with Slash, at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles. M. Shadows has also been confirmed to be a featured vocalist on Slash's forthcoming solo album Slash & Friends.

M. Shadows and the rest of the band has expressed interest in making a follow-up to Avenged Sevenfold. They plan to start writing in June 2009 and recording in October 2009. M. Shadows also said in an interview with Loveline that the next record would be a more classic metal, more rock-oriented record, since the self-titled record was very experimental. He also said it would feature more progressive, longer songs and would be the "biggest Avenged Sevenfold record ever." Additionally, he said they were possibly thinking about a concept record.

On July 15, 2009, their website and MySpace page updated with a statement from Shadows implying that work on this next album has started, but they are still "throwing around ideas". This update was on the same day that Waking the Fallen went Gold.

In an interview, vocalist M. Shadows has revealed that after the band will complete their tour with a final performance at the Sonisphere Festival on August 2, they will get in the studio to write and record a new studio album, a follow-up to their self-titled album.

Musical characteristics

This section may contain original research or unverified claims. Please improve the article by adding references. See the talk page for details. (August 2009)
In general, Avenged Sevenfold is classified as an important and influential band in the New Wave of American Heavy Metal. Their material spans multiple genres and has evolved over the band's ten year career. Initially, Avenged Sevenfold's debut Sounding the Seventh Trumpet consisted almost entirely of metalcore sound; however, there were several deviations to this genre, most notably in "Streets" which adopts a punk style and "Warmness on the Soul," which is a piano-oriented ballad. On Waking The Fallen, the band displayed a more refined and fluent metalcore album that was able to harness the rawness of the first album and add more mature and intricate musical elements. In the band's DVD All Excess, producer Andrew Mudrock explained this transition: "When I met the band after Sounding the Seventh Trumpet had come out before they had recorded Waking the Fallen, M. Shadows said to me 'This record is screaming. The record we want to make is going to be half-screaming half-singing. I don't want to scream anymore. And the record after that is going to be all singing.'" On City of Evil, Avenged Sevenfold's third album, the band chose to abandon the metalcore genre, developing a more punk metal/thrash style. Also, the drumming on both these albums is played in a more thrash-influenced alternative metal style. Avenged Sevenfold's self-titled album, again, consists of several deviations to less consistent genres and styles from the album's main hard rock and heavy metal songs, most notably in "Dear God", which adopts a country style and "A Little Piece of Heaven", which includes elements of Broadway show tunes, using primarily brass instruments and stringed orchestra to take over most of the role of the lead and rhythm guitar. The band has changed considerably since its first album, which since then they have been characterized as a heavy band with screams and growls combined with clean vocals that one can expect from the metalcore genre.

Band name and lyrical content
The band's name is a reference to the Book of Genesis in the Bible - specifically Genesis 4:24, where Cain is sentenced to life in exile for murdering his brother. God marked him so that none would kill him on account of his sin; the man who dared to kill Cain would suffer "vengeance seven times over" (KJV). The abbreviation "A7X" for their band name was the idea of guitarist Zacky Vengeance. The title of Avenged Sevenfold's song "Chapter Four" refers to the fourth chapter of Genesis, in which the story of Cain and Abel takes place. The song's subject also appears to be this story. "Beast and the Harlot", yet another song derived from the Bible, comes from the Book of Revelation only it is written in the first person and refers to the punishment of Babylon the Great, world empire and seat of false religion. Another biblical reference occurs in the song "The Wicked End". In this song, several times it is said "dust the apple off, savor each bite, and deep inside you know Adam was right." making reference to Eve eating the forbidden fruit. Although the band's title and members' stage names make references to religion, Shadows stated in an interview that they are not a religious band. "Anyone that reads the lyrics and really knew anything about us, they would know we're not promoting either," he said. "That's one thing about this band that I love is that we never really shove any kind of, like, political or religious beliefs on people. We just, the music's there to entertain and maybe thought-provoking on both sides, but we don't try to, like, really shove anything down anyone's throat. There's too many bands that do that nowadays, I think." The band has a few songs that are somewhat political in nature like "Critical Acclaim", "Gunslinger" and "Blinded In Chains". The song "Betrayed" off of their album "City of Evil" was written about "Dimebag" Darrel's, of Pantera and Damageplan, death.

The Deathbat
The band sports a logo known as the "Deathbat". It was originally designed by an artistic high school friend of Avenged Sevenfold, Micah Montague, as seen on the band's first DVD, All Excess. The Deathbat has appeared on all of the band's album covers, many of which were done by Cameron Rackam, a close friend of the band. The Deathbat has developed from just being a skull with bat wings, to sometimes appear as a full "man size" skeleton with bat wings, as it can be seen at the cover of City of Evil. On Sounding the Seventh Trumpet, there are pictures of two people (Presumably Cain and Abel), another angel-like human and a semi-opaque Deathbat below it. It also appears on covers of a number of singles such as "Bat Country", "Warmness on the Soul" and "Critical Acclaim."

Band members

Current members
M. Shadows ? lead vocals, keyboards, guitars, synth, organ (1999 - present)
Synyster Gates ? lead guitar, backing vocals, piano, keys, synth, organ (2000 - present)
Zacky Vengeance ? rhythm guitar, backing vocals, acoustic guitars, piano (1999 - present)
Johnny Christ ? bass, backing vocals (2002 - present)
The Rev ? drums, percussion, backing vocals, piano (1999 - present)
Former members
Dameon Ash ? bass (2001?2002)
Justin Sane ? bass, piano (2000?2001)
Matt Wendt - bass (1999?2000)
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